A new documentary titled “Mr. McMahon” on Netflix explores the rise and fall of WWE’s Vince McMahon, featuring interviews with McMahon and addressing controversies throughout his career. One accuser, Janel Grant, has accused McMahon of sex trafficking and forcing her into a sexual relationship in exchange for a job. Grant’s attorney, Ann Callis, mentioned that Grant has fears related to her experiences but has yet to watch the documentary as she wants to tell her story in her own way. Grant’s civil case has been paused pending a federal investigation. McMahon has denied the accusations and stated that the documentary uses editing tricks to support a deception narrative. The documentary also highlights other allegations, including accusations of sexual assault in 1986 by former WWE referee Rita Chatterton. McMahon founded WWE, which has become an $8 billion business empire, launching the careers of several superstars like Hulk Hogan, John Cena, and Dwayne “The Rock” Johnson. Callis mentioned that there is a culture of corruption and victimization of women in WWE, and her firm is investigating other potential claims against McMahon and WWE. McMahon stated that there are two sides to every story, while also defending himself against the allegations.
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