S.A.S. Dragon Holdings Limited (HK:1184) recently announced that it has gained control over V & V Technology, following the appointment of Ms. Carmen Yim as a non-executive director. This move has resulted in the integration of V & V Technology’s financial results into S.A.S. Dragon Holdings Limited’s consolidated financial statements, effectively making V & V Technology a subsidiary of the parent company. The transaction is considered an acquisition due to the significant influence and shared board members between the two companies, and is categorized as discloseable under the Listing Rules because of its significance. This strategic move is expected to have a positive impact on S.A.S. Dragon Holdings Limited’s overall financial performance and market position.
Investors interested in HK:1184 stock can find further insights on TipRanks’ Stock Analysis page. S.A.S. Dragon Holdings Limited continues to make strategic moves to strengthen its position in the market and expand its operations. With this latest development, the company is poised for growth and increased profitability. Stay tuned for more updates on S.A.S. Dragon Holdings Limited and its latest acquisitions and developments in the coming months.
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